Qiana Martin of Eat Soccer TV Web Series Introduces Urban Communities To Global Soccer Culture

JAM: What gave you the idea to start your web series?
The notion to create the Eat Soccer TV web series stemmed from my desire to provide urban communities with a unique way learn about soccer and connect with the global culture of the sport.
JAM: Why do you think fans have connected so well with your series?
Qiana Martin: I believe Eat Soccer TV resonates with viewers because we inject an entertaining dose of soccer into everyday topics, such as fitness, hip hop or American English conversation. By the end of the episode, fans have come away with a laugh, a dose of global soccer culture and a new understanding of how this applies to something in their own life.
JAM: How do you generate new ideas and creativity when writing new episodes?
Qiana Martin: As soccer player who had limited access to the sport growing up, many of my segment ideas come from the humor of my own experiences, questions posed to me by people who do not play the sport and the desire to give information to viewers in a way they can understand. When I am writing the segments, I commonly ask myself, “What can this popular song, news story or piece of history teach or have in common with something in the sport of soccer or those who play?”
JAM: Web Series are emerging as a leading force of entertainment and education online, why do you think this is happening and what future do you see for web series?
Qiana Martin: I think there are several factors that have contributed to the popularity growth of web series as an entertainment vehicle. First, social media networks and online platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo provide a low cost avenue for content creators to showcase their unique ideas to large audiences. Secondly, mass use of handheld devices and mobile phones have provided a way for people to be entertained while they are on the go. Web Series, such as Eat Soccer TV, are able to give 4 to 5 minutes of amusement and education while a viewer is in between their daily activities.
JAM: The Cast & Crew are essential for any web series to be successful, how did you form your team?
Qiana Martin: Prior to launching my series, I was already doing on-camera work for eHow.com and I was approached by, my current camera guy/editor, about working on a project together. Our complimentary goals allowed the Eat Soccer TV web series to serve as a great opportunity for each of us to achieve our individual goals.
JAM: What advice would you give anyone that is interested in starting a web series?
Qiana Martin: My advice to future creators is to study successful web programs to get an understanding of formats that work well. Ask yourself what you hope to accomplish with your own series. Lastly, educate yourself as to any intellectual property protections you may or may not need as the series grows and you work with other creatives on your project.
Official Website: www.qianamartin.com and www.eatsoccer.wordpress.com
Twitter: @qianarana/@eatsoccertv
Facebook: Qiana Martin/ EatSoccerTV
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