The Asheville View: Blackish

In this episode of The Asheville View, the hosts discuss stereotypes and how they have played out in their everyday lives. SPECIAL GUEST Nicole Townsend Regional Organizer, Southerners On New Ground
The Asheville View

Co-created by producers Blogger Aisha Adams & video producer Cliff Williams, ”The Asheville View” is a weekly daytime-style talk show hosted by Aisha Adams, Myriam Weber and Kirby Winner w/special correspondent Dr. Sharon Norling. In the opening segment, each host offers their personal take on ”Hot Button” issues. Afterwards, Dr. Norling responds to an audience […]
“Fattah Around Philly” — New YouTube Web Series Showcases Congressman

“Fattah Around Philly,” a new web series of on-line YouTube videos, is offering Second Congressional District constituents in Philadelphia and Montgomery County a chance to follow the on-the-go activities of their Congressman Chaka Fattah (D-PA-02). The latest episode, linked from the Congressman’s website, www.fattah.house.gov, shows Fattah meeting with and addressing small business entrepreneurs at “Get Your Business On-Line,” presented by Google last […]
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