Analysts Have High Expectations For About Apple’s Smart TV

Analysts believe that Apple is on the cusp of coming out with a Smart TV that will change the industry.
U.S. Hospitals Deport Undocumented Immigrants To Save Money

According to the Associated Press, U.S. hospitals sent about 600 undocumented immigrants back home over the past 5 years. The process is called medical repatriation. Hospitals send undocumented immigrants in need of medical care back to their home countries in order to cut spending costs.
Meet The Korean Artist That Became A Millionaire From Facebook

Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames. Watch More News Videos at ABC | Technology News | Celebrity News David Choe became a millionaire after painting murals for Facebook and getting paid in stock. His maintains a nonchalant disposition despite earning an estimated $200 million.
Africa’s Economy Is Flourishing

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy According to MSBNC, Africa is the fastest growing continent with a flourishing economy.
Melissa Harris-Perry Discusses Housing Equality Issues

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy According to the Melissa Harris-Perry show, 140,000 families will lose Section 8 assistance do to sequester cuts.
ABC Pays Tribute To Industry Pioneer Preston Davis

ABC News recently noted the passing of Preston Davis. He was the “first African American President of any division at ABC.”
Will Brittney Griner be the first woman in the NBA?

ABC News reports that Mark Cuban of the Mavericks is considering Brittney Griner as a new potential team member.
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